***** Beyond Customer Expectation *****

BINGKISAN LEBARAN UNTUK CUSTOMER TIKINDO C13 (*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku)


 Percayakan kiriman mobil & motor anda kepada kami, TIKINDO Counter 13 siap menjadi partner dalam kiriman anda.

Office :
Griya Permata Buduran Blok. E-12
Sidoarjo - Jawa Timur

Pic Ops.
082245197681 ( Ubaidillah ) 
08563070496 ( Dody Purnomo )


Melayani Pindahan rumah / kantor dengan  biaya yang relatif murah
Kunjungi segera counter kami & dapatkan discount menarik dari pengiriman tersebut
Kami menjamin keamanan serta ketepatan waktu kiriman anda.
 Office :
Griya Permata Buduran Blok. E-12
Sidoarjo - Jawa Timur

Pic Ops.
082245197681 ( Ubaidillah )
08563070496 ( Dody Purnomo )

Alamat Counter

Griya Permata Buduran Blok. E-12
Sidoarjo - Jawa Timur

PIC : 0822 4519 7681 (Ubaidillah)
         08563070496 (Dody Purnomo)

website   : www.tikindo.com
tracking kiriman : http://www.tikindo-logistics.com/system/gotrack.php
info tariff : www.tikindo.co.nr

Terms & Conditions

Yang dimaksud dengan TITIPAN adalah semua bentuk barang yang dikirimkan lewat PT TIKI Indonesia.
Yang dimaksud PENGANGKUT adalah PT TIKI Indonesia .
TITIPAN akan menjadi tanggung jawab PENGANGKUT, bila mana pengirim telah membayar lunas semua biaya pengiriman dan memiliki BUKTI TANDA TERIMA ASLI dari PENGANGKUT atas TITIPAN yang dikirimnya.Dilarang memasukkan kedalam TITIPAN barang – barang sebagai berikut :
1. Uang tunai Rupiah ataupun mata uang asing lainnya, surat berharga (Cek, Bilyet Giro, Saham dsb), Arloji/perhiasan dan lain-lain yang sejenis.
2. Surat, Warkatpos, Kartupos.
3. Barang-barang yang mudah meledak, beracun atau yang dapat merusak barang lain.
4. Narkotik, Ganja, Morphin atau sejenis obat terlarang lainnya.
5. Barang cetak, Rekaman dan lainnya yang isinya menyinggung kesusilaan, mengganggu ketertiban dan keamanan.
Isi TITIPAN yang tidak sesuai dengan keterangan yang diberikan merupakan suatu pelanggaran yang dapat dituntut melalui jalur hukum yang berlaku. Dan terhadap TITIPAN yang dicurigai PENGANGKUT berhak mengadakan pemeriksaan (uji petik) sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia C.Q. DEPARPOSTEL.
PENGANGKUT tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas hal-hal sebagai berikut :
1. Semua resiko tehnik yang terjadi selama dalam pengangkutan, yang menyebabkan barang yang dikirim tidak berfungsi atau berubah fungsinya baik yang menyangkut mesin atau sejenisnya, maupun barang-barang elektronik seperti halnya : TV, Komputer, Disket, AC, Kulkas, Video, Mesin cuci dan lain-lain yang sejenis.
2. Keterlambatan ke kota-kota tujuan yang diakibatkan oleh keadaan memaksa.
3. Semua penahanan dan penyitaan serta pemusnahan terhadap suatu jenis TITIPAN oleh Instansi Pemerintah terkait (Bea Cukai, Karantina, Kepolisian, Kejaksaan dsb.) sebagai akibat Hukum dan keadaan jenis TITIPAN yang bersangkutan.
4. Tuntutan dalam bentuk apapun atas tidak diterimanya suatu TITIPAN setelah 2 (dua) bulan terhitung tanggal pengiriman.
5. Kerusakan atau kehilangan, yang diakibatkan huru-hara, bencana alam, perang, pembajakan (Force Majeure).
6. Kebocoran, kerusakan, basah, busuk atau mati untuk jenis TITIPAN seperti : barang cair, barang pecah- belah, cetakan, makanan atau buah-buahan, binatang hidup, tumbuh-tumbuhan dll.
Sarana angkutan untuk tujuan beberapa kota tertentu dan atau dalam keadaan terpaksa, maka PENGANGKUT, tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, mempunyai hak untuk menggunakan sarana transportasi laut, sungai, darat, untuk melaksanakan pengiriman semua TITIPAN ke tujuan masing-masing.
Bilamana tidak ada keluhan (claim) dari penerima pada saat TITIPAN diserahkan, maka TITIPAN dianggap telah diterima dengan baik dan benar.
Bilamana terjadi kehilangan/kekurangan atas TITIPAN, penggantian meksimum hanya 10 (sepuluh) kali biaya pengiriman yang hilang/kurang saja. Kacamata dan barang kiriman yang bernilai tinggi WAJIB diasuransikan. Untuk TITIPAN yang diasuransikan, penggantian kerugian diselesaikan sesuai dengan peraturan Polis Kontrak Asuransi Jasa TITIPAN. Premi Asuransi dibayar oleh pengirim.
Semua Claim hanya dapat diselesaikan di Kantor kirim Perusahaan, Pengajuan Claim harus melampiri :
1. Berita acara yang ditandatangani Penerima dan petugas PENGANGKUT ditujuan.
2. Dokumen-dokumen pendukung antara lain : Faktur kwitansi dari TITIPAN ybs, Bukti Tanda Terima Asli dari PENGANGKUT atas TITIPAN yang bersangkutan.



Our services cover both distribution services and freight forwarding, both also for domestic and international shipments. PT. TIKI Indonesia (TIKINDO Logistics) also provides solution for logistics, as this becomes an essential factor for cost efficiency in industry.
PT. TIKI Indonesia (TIKINDO Logistics) as Logistics Company has scope of services including:
  1. Express Delivery
  2. Domestic Distribution
  3. Warehousing
  4. Logistics Project
  5. Relocation and Exhibition
We are a premier special Courier Service / Cargo / Project / Heavy equipment forwarder and expediting provider. The company has handled telecommunication and non-telecommunication projects, as well as various other manufactured cargoes and heavy equipment operations throughout the world and Indonesia domestic regions.
Distribution Services
The domestic and international distribution had been the proponent business of PT. TIKI Indonesia (TIKINDO Logistics) since its inception. This is due to the Network that had been built through branch in 70 major cities in almost all provinces in Indonesia covering almost all capital cities. Our service becomes more reliable for any International shipments since we also have our agents situated in Singapore and Malaysia as one center or hub of distribution and freight forwarding business in Asia Pacific region. More than that we have established network of international agents as our partners which spread from Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Korea, Abu Dhabi and Vietnam in Asia to UK, France, Italy in Europe and to USA (North America).
Freight Forwarding Services
As the trading business in global network becomes more important, TIKINDO Logistics likes to contribute to this ever increasing business by increasing movement of goods in the ASEAN (Association of South East Asia Nations) region through the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement in 2003 and the increasing business and industrial cooperation among countries in the Asia Pacific Region (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation- APEC).
TIKINDO Logistics has quite an extensive freight forwarding networks around the globe. Our team of cargo professionals provides global services and local expertise to ensure hassle-free customs clearance and speed door-to-door or airport-to-airport deliver. In addition TIKINDO Logistics offer ocean freight forwarding, warehousing and break-bulk services. As with other services, TIKINDO Logistics monitor all cargo shipment every stop on the way, anywhere around the world through its tracking and tracing system. Our freight forwarding services both in airfreight and sea freight cover some classification:
Logistics Service
In our fast moving and competitive world LOGISTICS – the rapid and efficient supply and movement of goods and equipment – has become an essential element of success for any business. TIKINDO Logistics is now using its experience and its worldwide network of offices to offer a new logistics service to its clients.

Company History

Company History

PT TIKI was formerly known as CV TITIPAN KILAT. It was established on 1st September 1970 with Soeprapto and Mrs. Nuraini Soeprapto as the founder and shareholder. By 1972, TIKI’s business activity had reached the cities of Pangkal Pinang (Sumatra), Semarang (Central Java) and Surabaya (East Java) with numbers of fleets and personnel.
In 1972, the company went through management restructuring by co-operating with (the late) Irawan Saputra, Gideon Wiraseputra, and Raphael Rusmadi, who then became another shareholders. Together with the development of the country’s economy.
TIKI became stronger and gradually set up new branches in the provinces. In just one and a half year, TIKI could serve all places throughout the nation.
To guarantee the best service, Today, TIKI has more than 800 service points able to reach various destinations in the country and abroad. With the support of thousands of well trained personnel and its fleet of transportation spread throughout the archipelago, TIKI is a leader in air express industry in Indonesia.
TIKI’s activities has increased significantly and has formed new branches in the provinces.

Executive Summary

” We create added values in the courier, freight forwarding and logistics business worldwide through efficiency and strong networking. Therefore we can compete with others to deliver the best services to our customers
With aim to bring more efficient and competitive service in the courier and freight forwarding industry, both domestically in Indonesia and worldwide, PT. TIKI Indonesia (TIKINDO Logistics) member of TIKI Group had been established in March 2001. Our vision is to become an excellent and key player in the transportation, distribution and freight forwarding business in the Asian region.
We are aware of the ever increasing global trade and also the increasing demand for high possible standard of services in the transportation and logistics industry. Therefore PT. TIKI Indonesia (TIKINDO Logistics) offers more than just cargo and distribution services. We provide solutions to many aspects of total logistics. And this becomes our aim to enable us to become a competitive and excellent player in the industry.
We take up the challenge to adapt and improve our services so as to meet the most appropriate requirements for our wide range customers. We understand that logistics is more than just transportation. It involves understanding customers’ sales, customers’ business circulation products and even understanding customers’ problems and needs.
Therefore, from our vision and the best we can contribute to the customers and the industry we set our mission in these ways:
  • Customer Satisfaction” backed by our modern warehousing and distribution facilities and strong world class service, provides you – our clients, a one stop comprehensive logistics solution to meet your daily demands in this globalization era.
  • To provide the world’s business community with affordable, reliable and quality delivery service,
  • To enable our customers to conduct their business professionally and on time.
  • To become our customers’ business partner, not just their delivery company.
We treat our customers as our partner. Their problems are our concern. And the key to this is just simply to deliver customer satisfaction to all of customers

Tikindo Logistics and Distributions

We keep maintaining efficiency in our company structure as we believe this would be a simple example how we can deliver efficient solution to our customers. The head office of PT. TIKI Indonesia (TIKINDO Logistics) has 17 staffs and more 234 dedicated operational and distribution personnel in Jakarta. The head office divisions have been structure based on our core services delivered to our customers that consist of:
  • Import Department
  • Export Department
  • Sales and Marketing Department
  • Customers service Department
  • HRD & GA Department
  • IT Department
  • Finance and Accounting  Department
  • Warehouse & distribution Department
  • Traffic & Operational Department
To enhance our service to the customer our personnel for Export, Import and Distribution have been equipped with international accepted certification such as PPJK (Certificate of Custom Clearance), certificate to handle DG (Dangerous Goods) shipments.

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